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Communication with the UN Human Rights apparatus

For many years the UN Human Rights Committee has been informed of gross human rights violations in the name of a War on Drugs. Our 2018 letter reminds the committee of its obligations to the UN Charter and human rights law. Our 2019 letters to the UN High Commissioner and a variety of special rapporteurs further address this situation. Our report to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is part of an international effort to document how this problem relates to drug policy, and the problem is endemic... 

Here is an example of previously ignored communication, one detailing the problem from 2012-14:

The Committee, in other words, has failed to abide by its obligations to the UN Charter for nearly a decade, and we hope one day we will get a proper response from these authorities.

Letters to UN High Commissioner and Special Rapporteurs:

(Any response to these letters will be published)

Report to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention:

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