The Alliance for Rights-Oriented Drug Policies
Your Rights Watch
Law Reviews on Drug Policy
Randy E. Barnett, The Harmful Side Effects of Drug Prohibition, Utah L. Rev. 11-34 (2009)
Randy E. Barnett, The Proper Scope of the Police Power, 79 Notre Dame L. Rev. 429-495 (2004)
Barret & Nowak, The United Nations and Drug Policy: Towards a Human Rights-Based Approach (2009)
Shima B. Baughman, Drugs and Violence, 88 USC Law Review 227 (2015)
Walter Block, Drug Prohibition: A Legal and Economic Analysis (1993)
Blumenson & Nilsen, Liberty Lost: The Moral Case for Marijuana Law Reform (2009)
Blumenson & Nilsen, No Rational Basis: The Pragmatic Case for Marijuana Law Reform (2009)
Blumenson & Nilsen, Policing for Profit: The Drug War's Hidden Economic Agenda (1998)
Eric D. Blumenson, Recovering from Drugs and the Drug War: A Viable Public Health Alternative (2002)
Boettke et al, Keep Off the Grass: The Economics of Prohibition and U.S. Drug Policy (2013)
Matthew A. Christiansen, A Great Schism: Social Norms and Marijuana Prohibition (2010)
Merle De Vries, A Human Rights-based Approach to International Drug Policy (2008)
Donohue et al., Rethinking America's Illegal Drug Policy (2011)
Ernest Drucker, Drug Law, Mass-Incarceration, and Public Health (2013)
Steven B. Duke, Drug Prohibition: An Unnatural Disaster (1995)
Steven B. Duke, Mass Imprisonment, Crime Rates, and the Drug War: A Penological and Humanitarian Disgrace, 9 Conn. Pub. Interest L.J. 17 (2010)
Steven B. Duke, The Future of Marijuana in the United States, 91 Oregon Law Review 1301 (2013)
Mathea Falco, Toward a More Effective Drug Policy, University of Chicago Legal Forum (1994)
Douglas N. Husak, Four Points about Drug Decriminalization (2003)
Douglas N. Husak, Liberal Neutrality, Autonomy, and Drug Prohibitions (2005)
Sanford H. Kadish, The Crisis of Overcriminalization, 7 Am. Crim. L. Q. 17 (1968)
Andrew Koppelman et al, Drug Policy and the Liberal Self (2006)
Erik Luna, Drug Detente, Federal Sentencing Reporter, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 304–307 (2008)
Erik Luna, The Overcriminalization Phenomenon, American University Law Review 54 (2005)
Robert F. Muse, In Pursuit of Simple, Ordinary Justice (2011)
New York City Bar Association, A Wiser Course: Ending Drug Prohibition (1994)
James Ostrowski, The Moral and Practical Case for Drug Legalization (1990)
Daniel D. Polsby, Ending the War on Drugs and Children, 31 Val. U. L. Rev. 537 (1997)
Craig Reinarman, Policing Pleasure. Food, Drugs, and the Politics of Ingestion (2007)
Peter Reuter, Why Has US Drug Policy Changed So Little over 30 Years? (2013)
Charles Whitebread, Us and Them and the Nature of Moral Regulation (2000)
Steven Wisotsky, A Society of Suspects: The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties (1992)